  • 罗马尼亚传统音乐

  • 状态:高清
  • 类型:电影 音乐
  • 导演:Doru Apostolescu
  • 更新时间:2023-04-08 09:44:22
纪录电影《罗马尼亚传统音乐》2002年上映,由Doru Apostolescu 执导,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,罗马尼亚传统音乐手机免费观看高清完整版。Leaves. Fish scales. Reed. Ox horns. Tree branches. metal. Clay. Wood. You could say that anything is likely to become a musical instrument. So amazingly inventive is the imagination of the peasant eager to communicate by melodious sounds. Folk music is the sonorous image of the place that inspires it. The natural relief contours put their imprint on the contours of man's heart. On 237,384sq km, Romania has mountains and hills, plains crossed by rivers. Folk music, genuine folk music, as much or as little as it was preserved and has endured thanks to the stubborn efforts of the old school, faithfully renders this generous variety of natural as well as spiritual contours.That is why who has not seen Romania can very well, in exchange, "hear her image" recorded on this cassette.Year 1993. A small filming crew. Thousands of road kilometers. The most isolated habitations in Romania. The place where the folk music tradition is changelessly. Each musical instrument has its own story, which begins at the moment that the instrument is manufactured by the peasants. The sound of the instrument is unique. It's different every time. Either the instrument is used by the peasants that don't know the notes, or by well-known musicians. The older peasants are the ones that treasure the authentic tradition. Most of our folk patrimony risks to pass on together with this peasants. Maybe in few years from now, the achievement of this film wouldn't have been possible.The film consists of modules, each instrument being treated separately:- short presentation- instrument's construction, usually narrated by the manufacturer- how to sing to an instrument- short interview with some of the peasants that sings with the instrument.
①:《罗马尼亚传统音乐》是一部电影,罗马尼亚 Roman发行的纪录片由主演。Doru Apostolescu 2002导演的电影共集,提供在线免费播放。更多好看的电影纪录片,请关注“策驰影院”电影纪录片罗马尼亚 Roman专栏或电影排行榜。
⑤:如果您对电影《罗马尼亚传统音乐》罗马尼亚 Roman发行的纪录片的作品版权、内容等方面有质疑,请及时与我们联系,我们将在第一时间进行处理,谢谢!


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