  • 神秘博士:2010逍遥音乐会

  • 主演:Ben Foster Grant Llewellyn
  • 状态:高清
  • 类型:电影 科幻 音乐
  • 更新时间:2023-04-08 09:45:51
纪录电影《神秘博士:2010逍遥音乐会》2010年上映,Ben/Foster/Grant/Llewellyn/等主演,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,神秘博士:2010逍遥音乐会手机免费观看高清完整版。A message from the Doctor interrupts Karen Gillan, who is trying to introduce Amys Theme. The Doctor asks the audience to yell "Hello, Doctor" so he can lock onto their signal. He gets a clear picture, but upside down. The Doctor tells everyone to hang on, makes fun of people wearing wigs and urges ladies to hold their skirts down. He realises his screen is upside down and fixes it and then asks for one more "Hello, Doctor" because he likes being given a big greeting.The Doctor explains that he has ended up in the Royal Albert Hall in 2207 when the show is almost over and the TARDIS then transported him to an unknown location. The TARDIS has locked on to an overloading fold-back quazar engine, which has gone into overdrive, and is only deadly when it starts beeping. It does start beeping slowly, which the Doctor dismisses as a high-pitch beeping is the warning. It tbeeps some more.. The Doctor says that as long as he has his sonic screwdriver, he doesnt have to worry and takes out a toothbrush. He says he has to find a safer area to defuse the bomb andsays farewell.He emerges into the Albert Hall, briefly abandoning the engine when it stops beeping. However, it does not detonate and the Doctor picks it up and heads into the crowd. He looks for someone to help, but refuses to have an adult help as they might hit him. The Doctor then takes a boy named Ellis from his seat. He picks a wire from the engine and asks Ellis if he can see it, which says he can. The Doctor is surprised by how sharp he is and explains that the wire hes holding is "psychic wire", which is so thin that its practically imaginary; once again he complitments the boy, saying hes "one step ahead of the game". He has Ellis at first hold the wire in his hand, but then has him hold it in his mouth to save Elliss hand. The Doctor has Ellis keep his head still and then becomes shocked once again by how serious Ellis is taking this when he doesnt giggle at the mention of doing so for comical effect, making the audiance cheer for him. The Doctor then goes on about how ridiculous his plan seems as he needs to use Ellis as a biological transducer in order to disperse the energy of the engine through the wi-fi in the hall to deactivate the engine. Before he can finishing gloating, the Doctor is forced to perform his task by the wooshing engine. The Doctor then infroms the audiance that he has successfully saved the Royal Albert Hall. He then thanks Ellis and returns him to his seat and asks for his name. The Doctor then has the crowd cheer for Ellis before continuing about if there were gong to be any side-effects. At first, the Doctor tells everyone that there are no side-effects, but goes on to say "Unless you have your mobile phone on, in which case, you;re going to die"; ITV had also been blown off the air. He leaves after reading a paphlet and insulting Matt Smith for having a dull name, wishing the audience a good night.
①:《神秘博士:2010逍遥音乐会》是一部电影,英国发行的纪录片由Ben Foster Grant Llewellyn 主演。2010导演的电影共集,提供在线免费播放。更多好看的电影纪录片,请关注“策驰影院”电影纪录片英国专栏或电影排行榜。


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